Thursday, April 23, 2009

the keys to notre dame

So we left the cemetery, and headed to another neighborhood to do some souvenir shopping. But then I got Hangry.

Found a Monoprix. it's a supermarket (That sells clothes?) and bought some ready made sandwiches and pasta salad. Drinks and fruit. This is the best way to go. cheap, fast and if you can sit in a sunny park even better. We couldn't find a fork. Had to improvise.

This is dan's sandwhich. I won the food contest ( mine was better).

Well, we had a bit of walking to do. Like 20 blocks. But I had food in me. I can go anywhere now.

The Pompidou. It's a modern art museum with all it's guts on the outside. The air pipes are blue, elevators are red, water pipes are green. Some parisians hated it when it first opened. Kinda like the Eiffel tower. I think parisians are just haters until people are high fiving them and telling them how cool something is. Then they take the credit. But I ain't one to gossip so you didn't hear it from me.
Me not being a hater. Le pompidou ees super cool!

We did our shopping and headed towards Notre Dame. We went the first day but didn't get a chance to go up. (long line, hangry, jet lagged etc...) So since it was our last day in paris, we were going to hit Notre Dame, and finally go up into the Eiffel Tower.

But first,Ice cream break! On the l'le st. louis, the island next to notre dame. It's full of rich people and ice cream shops. (?!?) one of the best shops is Berthillion. 1 scoop of apricot for me, 1 pistachio for dan.

huh? for me?

nom nom nom...
Alright dan, let's do this! Let's go look at old stuff!
The line was a good 2 hours to get up the bell towers. Dan took a picture of this creepy mermaid on the facade of the building. It gave him the heebly jeeblies. zoom in for tonight's nightmare! Dan: "I know that the gargoyles and stuff are supposed to be scary, but don't you think it's weird that they have a scary mermaid?" me: "no."

Did'ya know that for something to be a true gargoyle it has to be a water spout? like for rain drainage. Hence gargoyle and gargling, have the same root meaning. See? it's not just fart jokes on this blog. no siree.
In the stairway up. Notice I am not in the picture. i'm dying and cussing at this point.
The payoff! view from between the towers, facing the plaza in front of N.D.

Your humble narrator, dan long and paris.

Don't forget to click on pictures to see them bigger. The clarity is amazing.

Towards the rear.
Inside the bell tower

Patti LaBelle

Looking up into the bell tower.

From the roof.

Went to the roof. it was windy, but an epic view.

The keys to notre dame.

I'm faster going downstairs.

You are here.

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